Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Checking on the garden

I do believe that my favorite time of the day is right after supper. Heath is home, boys have happy, full bellies, and time seems to slow down, at least for awhile. On this particular evening, we decided to walk up the hill and check on our garden. Of course, being the dork I am, on this outing, I brought my camera.

This is what you need in order to "check on the garden:" 
  • Boots, or flip flops, depending on your age
  • A banana, or at least half of one, because sometimes when you only eat meat and refuse to eat vegetables, you still have room for half a banana after supper
  • A cup of coffee, yes, it's alright to bring a cup from the kitchen, because it doesn't taste as good when it's in one of those on-the-go ones with a top
  • A bb gun, you know, in case there's anything to shoot at the garden, like crows, black birds or that annoying tom cat
  • A smile

I grew up calling this a writing web spider (see how it writes in the web? zig zags here)
Heath calls them garden spiders
Cash said he didn't like it
B almost walked right into trying to grab it

We picked some tomatoes, the boys escaped under the fence chasing Ruth, I took some pictures of our giant sunflowers, and then we walked back to the house. Yeah, I do believe it's my favorite time of the day... 

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